A Typical Week at St. Thomas
8:30 am - Holy Eucharist - An intimate service held outside, weather permitting.
9:15 am - Christian Education - adults and children.
10:30 am - Holy Eucharist - with organ and choir. In-person and livestreamed.
Church offices are closed.
8:30 am - Morning Prayer Online - Livestreamed
Church offices open 9am–2pm.
9:30 am - Holy Eucharist - In person and livestreamed.
10:30 am - Bible Study
7:30 pm - Choir Rehearsal
Church offices open 9am–2pm.
8:30 am - Morning Prayer Online - Livestreamed.
Church offices open 9am–2pm.
Church offices are closed.
Church offices are closed.
6:00 pm - Service of Prayer, Music, & Light, drawing upon the Taizé tradition
In-person and livestreamed.